Hon Pak, MD, MBA

SVP and Head of Digital Health Team,
Samsung Electronics
A seasoned corporate physician executive with 25+ years of healthcare strategic leadership in health information technology across both public and private sector. Dr. Pak is a change agent and he fuels sustainable growth and value creation in organizations, from small to large, through visionary team leadership. Proficient in problem-solving, he guides innovative healthcare transformations, served as president and boards of various organizations. Currently, he is the Head of Samsung Electronics MX Digital Health Team and leads a global team to execute on the vision to improve the health of billions via connected care centered around the home.

Featuring Hon

Tuesday, January 7  |  
12:00 pm – 
12:30 pm

People want to thrive and manage health at home. Advances in technology make home care possible. Based on AARP research, Samsung created CareHub to showcase the future of connected care. Join us to learn about aging needs, our product concept, and how partners can make healthy aging at home a reality.

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