Matt Onojafe

CEO | Founder
Matthew Onojafe is the owner and operator of the Jafe Cycling Bike Shop, a thriving business dedicated to promoting health and wellness through the sport of cycling. After building a successful career working with major data centers specializing in fiber optics, Matthew’s love for cycling and desire to contribute to his community led him to transition from engineering to entrepreneurship. Today, Matthew oversees a team of eight skilled technicians at Jafe Cycling, where they provide top-quality service and products to cycling enthusiasts.

Featuring Matt

Wednesday, January 8  |  
5:00 pm – 
5:30 pm

Don’t just add years to your life, add life to your years! Join us to meet the AgeTech innovators who are keeping fun at the forefront with creative ways that will make our later years less daunting and more fulfilling.

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