L. Jasmine Kim

Head, NA Health Marketing,
L. Jasmine Kim is an innovative builder of brands that engage and deliver value to people worldwide. Currently, she serves as the head Care@Home at Samsung Health and leading strategy and programs for how Samsung delivers services for those who want to flourish at home in wellness and aging. She also leads all marketing & communications for North America. Jasmine received her B.A. in Economics and Art History at Wellesley College, and a MBA/MA from Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA, and UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Design. She recently completed a Professional program in Narrative Medicine at Columbia University.

Sessions Featuring L. Jasmine

Tuesday, January 7  |  
3:00 pm – 
3:30 pm

Join experts from leading retailers to discover secrets to success in the Age Tech market. Gain actionable insights on demand generation, challenges, and marketing strategies for online and in-store retail.

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Thursday, January 9  |  
10:00 am – 
10:30 am

Smart home devices should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use across vendors. With Matter, they are. Learn how one protocol can connect your new device with all other devices so that your customers can use them all without a fuss.

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