Amelia Hay

VP, Startup Programming & Investments,
AgeTech Collaborative from AARP
As the VP of Startup Programming and Investments at AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP, Amelia leads various initiatives supporting the ecosystem, including sourcing startups, organizing pitch events, and executing the startup accelerator program. Additionally, she oversees all event and conference execution for the AgeTech Collaborative and manages startup investments. Prior to this role, Amelia spent over 20 years specializing in financial planning and analysis at MCI, Verizon, and AARP, focusing on business modeling and case building for new products and multi-year projects

Sessions Featuring Amelia

Tuesday, January 7  |  
11:00 am – 
11:30 am

Consumers believe in-home healthtech can help them thrive and be safer as they age in their favorite place. Come learn specific challenges for older adults that get in the way of tech adoption.

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Wednesday, January 8  |  
1:00 pm – 
1:30 pm

Insights from an AgeTech Living Lab where seniors interact with startup products on campus, and Senior Living Operators evaluate how the point solutions integrate into a cohesive customer experience.

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